Released on 5.1 MR3
Excel Report Generator
Revolutionize the way you generate and manage reports with our platform. Our Report Writer project has come a long way in providing you with the ability to design, build, and maintain tabular reports through a user-friendly tool. But we understand that your needs go beyond just tabular reports.
That's why we've been hard at work, listening to your valuable feedback and identifying areas for improvement. We are thrilled to unveil the all-new Excel Report Generator (ERG) - a powerful tool that bridges the gap and empowers you to design, build, and maintain not only tabular reports but also client-specific "form type" reports.
Achieving Seamless Customization and Flexibility in Reporting

When clients seek to ensure process compliance, tailor reports to diverse stakeholder needs, and create customized forms reflecting their unique processes and terminology, they need a versatile reporting tool that empowers them to do so effortlessly.
With ERG, you have the power to:
Establish Checks for Process Compliance
Clients require checks and validations to ensure their processes are being met accurately. ERG empowers clients to easily set up customized checks within their reports. With this tool, clients can effortlessly monitor and validate their processes for compliance, ensuring smooth operations and adherence to standards.
Address Diverse Stakeholder Needs with Flexible Reporting Tools
Clients seek reporting tools that cater to the varied requirements of their stakeholder community.
ERG offers flexible reporting capabilities, allowing clients to create reports tailored to the specific needs of different stakeholders.
The enhanced security model at the report level grants users the ability to control access, determining who can view each report based on project, enterprise project group, or individual users. This means that everyone, from management to teams, can access the data they need in a format that suits their preferences. The result is improved decision-making and better collaboration among users.
Create Customized Forms Reflecting Unique Processes and Terminology
Clients require forms that are specific to their business processes and use industry-specific terminology. ERG allows clients to build customized "form type" reports that accurately reflect their processes and use terminology familiar to their organization. No longer limited to standard tabular reports, clients can now design reports that align precisely with their workflows, resulting in better data comprehension and improved efficiency.
Empowering You and Contruent Services Teams:
Custom forms and reports often depend on engineering resources, creating a bottleneck in processes. With ERG, we put the power in your hands. Now, both our valued customers and Contruent services teams can take control of report design without depending on our Engineering resources. This means faster turnaround times and the ability to adapt reports swiftly to evolving needs.
Happy Reporting!